Welcome TO THE 2025 KVT EVENT


athlete race briefing pack

We have recently updated the Athlete Race Briefing pack! As our event is raced on regional open roads, it’s important every athlete has a good understanding of the rules and safety obligations associated with the Karri Valley Triathlon. We hope you enjoy the 2024 event.

The State Government is a proud sponsor of the Karri Valley Triathlon through Tourism Western Australia’s Regional Events Scheme (RES).

RES was established to support event holders across WA with the development of events to drive tourism to regional Western Australia. The scheme plays an important role in positioning the state’s five tourism regions as exciting destinations to visit and great places to live by showcasing and promoting the host region’s unique and diverse attractions.

A total of 65 regional events across WA have been funded through the 2023-24 RES, which also includes a $250,000 funding pool for the Regional Aboriginal Events Scheme, which exclusively allocates funding to events delivering Aboriginal activities and experiences.

The State Government, through Tourism WA, is proud to sponsor these regional events, which help bring vitality to local communities and drive visitor spend, injecting millions into regional economies.

Tourism is a key part of the State Government’s plan to diversify the economy, create jobs and develop business opportunities, especially in regional Western Australia.

Events play an important role in this plan, with the State Government sponsoring a range of sporting, cultural, arts and culinary events across Western Australia through Tourism WA, to attract visitors to our state and encourage them to stay longer, disperse further and spend more while they are here.

We hope everyone enjoys this event and take the time to explore the South West region.

Deputy Premier, Minister for Tourism

I’d like to welcome you to the 22nd Karri Valley Triathlon. We have again had a majority of our entries sold in the early days which had the event’s committee excited for another great event ahead.

We are grateful to the team at RAC who allow us to hold this event at their beautiful resort and provide support to enable this event to run.

We love holding this event due to how much it brings the triathlon community together and the unique course which sees participants swim in the beautiful fresh waters of Lake Beedelup, cycle through the country roads surrounded by karri trees and running through the karri forest while taking in the nature.

Destination events like this one take a lot of hard work from a dedicated team of volunteers throughout the year to pull together. The KVT Event Committee, led by James Nelson, spend countless hours making sure the Karri Valley Triathlon goes off without a hitch. Thank you all for your unwavering efforts.

I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors and supporters - RAC, Tourism WA, Shire of Manjimup, Vault Cycle Services, Tailwind Nutrition and Bannister Downs Dairy.

Without your contributions, the Karri Valley Triathlon would not be possible. Please give your support by engaging them for your triathlon needs where possible.

Thank you and enjoy KVT 2025!

President, Stadium Triathlon Club

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